All Episodes

Displaying 1 - 30 of 134 in total

2.11 Parshas Pekudei Review: Shemos Finale

This Parsha Review Podcast (Ep 2.11) by Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe on Parshas Pekudei offers a refreshing, clear and concise review as he does for each Parsha in the Torah.00:1...

Welcoming Shabbos with Joy and Calm (Parsha Power: Vayakheil)

Uncover the transformative power of Shabbos as we explore its profound connection to controlling anger and creating a sanctuary of peace. Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe of Torch in...

The Transformative Power of Shabbos (Parsha In-Focus: Vayakheil)

Have you ever stood at the brink of a busy week, longing for a respite that rejuvenates not just the body but also the soul? Join us as we journey through the rich tap...

2.10 Parshas Vayakheil Review: Building the Tabernacle

This Parsha Review Podcast (Ep 2.10) by Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe on Parshas Vayakheil offers a refreshing, clear and concise review as he does for each Parsha in the Torah.00...

Sabbath Sanctuary: A Respite from the World (Parsha Power: Ki Sisa)

Is the familiar framework of Shabbat and the Tabernacle more deeply connected than we ever realized? Join us as we explore the purposeful juxtaposition of the golden c...

Unveiling the Golden Calf in Our Lives (Parsha In-Focus: Ki Sisa)

Join us as we contemplate the profound story of the Golden Calf, which is a central theme in this week's Parsha, Ki Sisa. The swift decline of the Israelites from thei...

2.9 Parshas Ki Sisa Review: The Golden Calf

This Parsha Review Podcast (Ep 2.9) by Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe on Parshas Ki Sisa offers a refreshing, clear and concise review as he does for each Parsha in the Torah.00:10...

Exploring the Balance of Unity and Diversity (Parsha Power: Tetzaveh)

Discover the profound interplay between unity and individuality, as we unravel the complexities within this week's Parsha, Tetzaveh. Imagine seeing through the prism o...

Becoming a Vessel for Blessings (Parsha Power: Terumah)

Unlock the profound spiritual dimensions of giving through an enlightening exploration as we are guided through the lessons of Parshas Terumah. Gain insights into the ...

The Harmony of Thought and Deed (Parsha In-Focus: Tetzaveh)

Discover the profound lessons of leadership and forgiveness as we unwrap the timeless wisdom found in Parashas Tetzaveh. Join us in a heartfelt celebration of my daugh...

2.8 Parshas Tetzaveh Review: The Priestly Garments

This Parsha Review Podcast (Ep 2.8) by Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe on Parshas Tetzaveh offers a refreshing, clear and concise review as he does for each Parsha in the Torah.This...

God Wants Your Heart (Parsha In-Focus: Terumah)

Have you ever considered that the true value of a gift lies not in its size but in the sincerity with which it's given? Join us as we traverse the terrain of heartfelt...

2.7 Parshas Terumah Review: The Tabernacle Design

This Parsha Review Podcast (Ep 2.7) by Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe on Parshas Terumah offers a refreshing, clear and concise review as he does for each Parsha in the Torah.00:10...

The Doorpost's Testimony to Faith (Parsha Power: Mishpatim)

What does it truly mean to be free, and how can ancient laws illuminate our modern lives? Join us as we unravel the profound themes within Parshas Mishpatim, where we ...

Non-Kosher Money (Parsha In-Focus: Mishpatim)

Have you ever stood at the crossroads of a moral quandary in the checkout line, or found yourself pondering the ethical implications of a simple financial transaction?...

2.6 Parshas Mishpatim Review: The Laws

This Parsha Review Podcast (Ep 2.6) by Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe on Parshas Mishpatim offers a refreshing, clear and concise review as he does for each Parsha in the Torah.Thi...

Building Bridges in the Jewish Community (Parsha Power: Yisro)

Discover the profound connection between unity and individuality as we unravel the experiences of the Jewish people at Mount Sinai. Witness how the public revelation o...

Seizing Inspiration: The Art of Immediate Action (Parsha In-Focus: Yisro)

Have you ever heard a story so captivating that it spurred you into immediate action? That's the power of Yisro's tale, a non-Jewish figure whose actions upon hearing ...

2.5 Parshas Yisro Review: Revelation at Mount Sinai

This Parsha Review Podcast (Ep 2.5) on the Parsha of Yisro by Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe offers a refreshing, clear and concise review as he does for each Parsha in the Torah.T...

Finding Meaning Beyond the Screen (Parsha Power: Beshalach)

Reflecting on a vibrant sunset one evening, we were reminded of how easy it is to overlook the beauty in front of us when we're caught up in the hustle of daily life a...

Seeing Hashem's Hand in Our Lives (Parsha In-Focus: Beshalach)

Have you ever stopped to consider the true source of your accomplishments? Join us on an enlightening journey through Parshas Beshalach, where we explore the delicate ...

2.4 Parshas Beshalach Review: The Splitting Sea

This Parsha Review Podcast (Ep 2.4) on the Parsha of Beshalach by Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe offers a refreshing, clear and concise review as he does for each Parsha in the Tor...

Enhancing Spiritual Connection through Gratitude (Parsha Power: Bo)

What distinguishes mere belief from true knowledge of God? Join us on the Parsha Review Podcast as we unravel the profound lessons of Parshas Bo from the book of Exodu...

Understanding and Overcoming Spiritual Stubbornness (Parsha In-Focus: Bo)

Unlock the secrets to overcoming spiritual stubbornness and foster a deeper connection with the Divine as we share pearls of wisdom taught by my grandfather. Prepare t...

Finding Hashem's Hand in Crisis + Extra Content (Parsha Power: Va'eira)

Explore the mystery behind divine intervention as we unpack the hardening of Pharaoh's heart and the purpose of the plagues in Parsha Va'eira. What if the challenges w...

2.3 Parshas Bo Review: More Plagues, More Miracles

This Parsha Review Podcast (Ep 2.3) on Parshas Bo by Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe offers a refreshing, clear and concise review as he does for each Parsha in the Torah.This Episo...

Strengthening Faith Amidst Adversity (Parsha In-Focus: Va'eira)

Unlock the power of unwavering Jewish pride as we journey through Parsha Va'eira and its profound lessons on maintaining our identity in the face of mockery and threat...

2.2 Parshas Va'eira Review: Plagues, Miracles and Gratitude

Join us as we unpack the intricate lessons and enduring wisdom of Parsha Va'eira from the book of Exodus. In our latest Torah study, we examine the precision of the To...

Finding Focus in a Distracted World + More Stories (Parsha Power: Shemos)

Join us on a captivating journey through the opening chapters of the book of Exodus, where we explore the harrowing circumstances of the Jewish people's enslavement in...

Courage & Conviction to NEVER Back Down! (Parsha In-Focus: Shemos)

Have you ever stood at a crossroads, torn between the safe path and the one that demands courage to embrace who you truly are? Join us as we navigate the awe-inspiring...

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