Courage & Conviction to NEVER Back Down! (Parsha In-Focus: Shemos)
Have you ever stood at a crossroads, torn between the safe path and the one that demands courage to embrace who you truly are? Join us as we navigate the awe-inspiring decisions of Shifra and Pua, the heroic midwives from Parsha Shemos, whose bravery not only defied a Pharaoh but also shaped the legacy of a nation. In this heartfelt exploration, we uncover the significance of Jewish pride and identity, drawing parallels to our own lives where the choice to stand firm in our beliefs can echo through generations.
We need to proudly exhibit our Jewishness with honor, and remember the importance of wearing our identity boldly, much like the tzitzis and yarmulkes that serve as symbols of our faith. This week's Parsha, Shemos, reinforces the message, urging us to declare 'I am a Jew' with conviction and nurture our bond with Hashem. So, as we wish you an amazing Shabbos, let this episode be your invitation to a life of continual growth and a commitment to pass on a legacy of love and reverence for our traditions to the future generations.
This episode (Ep 6.13) of the Parsha Review Podcast by Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe on Parshas Shemos is dedicated in Honor of our dear friends Elliot & Chaya Jacobs & our Holy Soldiers in the Battlefield and our Torah Scholars in the Study Halls who are fighting for the safety of our nation!
We need to proudly exhibit our Jewishness with honor, and remember the importance of wearing our identity boldly, much like the tzitzis and yarmulkes that serve as symbols of our faith. This week's Parsha, Shemos, reinforces the message, urging us to declare 'I am a Jew' with conviction and nurture our bond with Hashem. So, as we wish you an amazing Shabbos, let this episode be your invitation to a life of continual growth and a commitment to pass on a legacy of love and reverence for our traditions to the future generations.
This episode (Ep 6.13) of the Parsha Review Podcast by Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe on Parshas Shemos is dedicated in Honor of our dear friends Elliot & Chaya Jacobs & our Holy Soldiers in the Battlefield and our Torah Scholars in the Study Halls who are fighting for the safety of our nation!
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- Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe Podcast Collection:
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Recorded in the TORCH Centre - Studio B to a live audience on January 2, 2024, in Houston, Texas.
Released as Podcast on January 2, 2024